Saturday, June 13, 2020

Call a spade what it is. A Spade. On that note humanity today is extremely wise to follow my instructions presently located immediately below. In the first link attached to this website. Or , in the instructions just given above. A greater truth was never spoken..


  1. This wra of humanity, along with evil spirits and evil immortal deities have chosen to be deliberately spiritually retarded.
    When they weren't really.
    They just choose to be spiritually retarded.
    And blind themselves to the real truth of jesus christ.
    Addressed by this website writer.
    In this website.
    So, on that note , the jewish God, the prime god of this life, always endeavours to give mortals more of what they choose to be.

    On that note, in connection to what saint john prescribes for such beings in ,o let's say, revelation 22: 14 to 15 of christianitys scriptures, that is now the lot of humans of this age.

    Hell awaits you now on that note.

    For you choose to be spiritually retarded.
    When you didnt have to be.

    That's insulting to the benevolent spirit of christian grace.


    Humanity today is incredible.
    Connected to hebrews 10: 26- 27.

  2. Add revelation 22: 11 - 15. To that statement and whattya get?
    A pretty strange deliberately ungodlybera of terrifyingly weird recreants.
    Connected to 2nd timothy 3: 1- 9.
    That's for sure.
    Woe my yes

  3. Era of deliberate hypocrites. I'm sorry but call a spade what it is.

    A SPADE.
