Monday, December 30, 2024

Quick precursor introduction.

One of a variety of introductions to this blog site.

Due unto the fact the following site covers many topics.

Reverse Christian psychology connects to psalm 149:5-9, Luke 12:1-3,,,isiah 20:2-4 ,,,and 2nd Peter 1:19-21.
If Christianity’s Holy Ghost doesn’t sinfully lie to humans about what Jesus warns humans of in Luke 12:1-3 through Christianity’s Holy Ghost then any rational being, knowing that TRUTH, would own up to what Luke 12:1-3 warns humans of in this life right away.

Do not lie about truth.

In other words?
Through 2nd Peter 1:19-21 
Why does Christianity’s Holy Ghost make it clear to all creation  that the biblical man David was not condemned by God or Jesus for taking a biblical man named nabobs wife for himself while killing nabob spiritually?

Christianity’s Holy Ghost actually approves of David killing nabob and fornicating with nabobs wife in this life.

Connected to psalm 32:1-2.

Christianity’ and God actually praise the biblical man ‘“David” for killing nabob and fornicating with nabobs wife Abigail…
Christianity’s Holy Ghost also makes it clear that God and Jesus both approved of David  

for fornicating wildly with a thousand women in this life.

Christianity’s scriptures do make that truth totally obvious for humans .

In this life.

In connection to psalm 32:1-2…
And 1st Timothy 1:9-10.

In fact Christianity’ makes it clear the biblical man David was supreme in righteousness before Christ and God despite the fact David fornicated wildly with hundreds of sexy women in this life.

God and Jesus both passionately loved David despite the fact David was a wildly sexy fornicator in this life.

The only time the Christian God cared about what David was doing in that respect was when David foolishly killed uriah.

And then took uriahs wife to be David’s in this life.
Thats what Christianity teaches humans in this life.

So why is that specifically?

Obviously thats because the biblical man uriah loved God sincerely in this life.

And put God and christs decent laws above worldly laws .

Uriah also put God before all worldly issues and possessions in this life.

So christ was pleased with uriahs decency in that respect in this life.

Connected to hebrews 13:4.

Despite the fact uriah was not a Jew in this life connected to the functions of Roman’s 2:9-10 and the works of prior created mortals in previous existences…

So when David messed with a non Hebrew Lin that way in this life?

It mocked Christ.

That was David’s only mistake in this life.

And God almost destroyed David for that sin.

If David had not repented whole heartedly of that sin?
David was doomed.

But David wisely repented with all his heart of that sin.

So Christ forgave David of that sin.

Pure and simple.

But the point to this subject  is this.

In connection to psalm 32:1-2,
Why was David allowed to supersede deuteronomy 17:17 and hebrews 13:4 so infinitely in this life?
Because David possessed a sincere heart before Christ in this life.

So why then by way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and 1st Corinthians 6:18  is hebrews 13:4 ,,,1st Thessalonians 4:1-8 ,,,and

 Malachi 2:14-16 written as warnings for the majority of humanity in this life?


Because most humans in this life do not honor the sacred decency of what psalm 51:10 teaches humans in this life.

Without any senseless worldly devilish irrational dumb arrogant idiotic  stupid questions asked.

Which is a truth which obviously aligns with what Christianity teaches humanity through Jesus Christ through Luke 10:41-42:.
Pure and simple.

Now, that said?
I now close this precursor introduction to this site by briefly stating this.

 The Christian scriptures say in 2nd Esdras 16:29-32 that women on earth will soon weep for a while , before a new heavens and new earth appear connected to revelation 21:1-3?of Christianity because  no men will be left on earth to rape them for a while.

Because the Christian God and the arch angel Christian destroyers together are going to annihilate the vast majority of  all devilish men dwelling on earth soon.

Due to the unified wonderously absurd hypocrisies of all men on earth presently.

Before God , in connection to 1st Corinthians 15:32-56 recreates such men in an age referred to as brass by Nostradamus in c9q17 and c5q41 of that prophet of Christianitys prophesies to all humanity in this life.

This obviously connects to 2nd Peter 3:7-17 , and 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

Which is a concept which is explained in words.

In this very website.


How very wonderous and very very very 


Saturday, February 17, 2024

To the reader. Before proceeding with this blog website?

First watch this wonderous YouTube video.
A VIDEO ENTITLED Country roads take me back to the Bigfoot monsters in the back woods of eastern Kentucky!”’

Attached immediately below in the following wonderous link.๐Ÿคก


Through images videos and words the following website summarizes the relevant facts of this life

before the Christian vaticinal statement of Nostradamus made in c5q41 of that prophets prophesies are placed ultimately into motion by the spirit of Christ in that which pertains unto this existence:

A YouTube video introduction to this blog website is attached immediately below addressed wonderously as follows:

To the reader: read the words of this site.

It’s words that matter in this life.๐Ÿคก

And it’s words that “‘verify”’ what “‘ true facts are.”’

In this existence.


Images are included in this site.


For secondary purposes.

Which is a matter explained appropriately with words in this site.

Yet images do not confirm or verify what true facts are over all in this life.
 it's words that do that specifically.

By which factor sane people evaluate the words of a site before coming to a factual conclusion to the validity of a sites facts.

Anyone with a brain that operates above the level of a terrestrial ostrich could denote the accuracy of that statement just forwarded in writing.


Pure and simple.

Summarizing facts which relate to this life honorably and truthfully.

Analyzing Evil: AM

Analyzing Evil: AM


Hollywood versus Luke 12:1-3 Of Christ's words to humanity in this life. 

Which includes alarming facts relating to this existence attached to this YouTube video here.

Attached to this website in a YouTube link immediately below.

Steady as she goes mates. Just be calm. And summarize the facts of this life truthfully.

I now close this post with this .

A Hollywood tv program through television  twists the real truth of 50 missing quatrains of Nostradamus.
Regarding Nostradamus’s work entitled century seven…

Concealed by a group on earth called the Illuminati for three centuries.

And sold to various Hollywood elite forces connected to 2nd cor 11:13-15  in 1977 a d.

Addressed veraciously here. In this link attached below:

Watch "First Wave S1 EP5 " Elixir"  (HD)" on YouTube

C4q97, of the words of Nostradamus  blend into Luke 1;37, and 1st Corinthians 15:32-56, of Christianity.

Which also translates to this.


“‘“”””The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll. ‘“””

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

๐ŸžTo thewonderous readers.

๐Ÿbefore proceeding with this blog website?๐Ÿ“

In this link below?

On sweet YouTube



C4Q97 of the wonderous quatrains of the sweet 16th century vaticinator humans just so happen to call Nostradamus!๐Ÿฆฉ๐Ÿ™


In this life’.๐Ÿฆค


Woe my yes.๐Ÿฆƒ


Also on YouTube?

"""""""Watch- visiting -hours- at londonontario canadas enfamous highbury Hilton hotelon sweet blessed youtube!"""


In this link attached here below!๐Ÿฆœ

๐ŸฟFinally watch this video likewise.


Woe my yes!
Watch that video.


 Watch visiting hours at londonontario canadas enfamous highbury Hilton hotel๐Ÿฆ.  ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿคก๐Ÿท๐Ÿคก              ๐Ÿ’


๐Ÿฐ.   ๐Ÿคก    Wow my yes...
            ๐Ÿผ.   ๐Ÿคก          ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿคก

๐Ÿ’.    ๐Ÿธ    ๐Ÿ‚    ๐Ÿ”.    ๐Ÿท    ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿ”๐Ÿคก





on ๐ŸฆฌYouTube ๐Ÿ–in this link above ๐Ÿ“and below.๐Ÿˆ Most alarming.